One-on-one Mentorship
Personal mentoring sessions with the Pro’s
For the first time ever, you can register a 1 on 1 call with a Players Academy Pro! Our mentorship offerings were made to connect our pros with students and fans of the game.
When you register, you receive a 30 minute 1v1 virtual meeting with the pro of your choice!

3 Mentorship Options
Select from the following:
Gain an edge on your opponent with your IQ. In our film sessions, our pros will teach you how they watch film, watch your film or highlight reel with you while giving active feedback. After the session, you will have a strategic plan on how to continue to develop your game.
Learn how the best players got to where they are in a way that you have never had before. In our Q+A mentorship, this is a 1v1 interview with you and one of our pros. Whether it be about lacrosse or life, we have the best in the world ready to answer your questions.
Mental Prep
Everyone’s path to the top is different but studying the great ones can make your path smoother. Our mentorship focused sessions are designed to help you unlock that next gear mentally by enhancing your strengths, improving your weaknesses and hearing our pros’ stories of success and adversity.